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Lottery Health Research grants may support:

  • translational research projects
  • shared research equipment
  • post-doctoral fellowships
  • PhD Scholarships.

There are two online request forms available, one for translational research projects or shared research equipment requests and one for post-doctoral fellowship or PhD scholarship requests. All requests must be supported by a budget or quotes and all relevant approvals. 

Budgets should use the standard LHR budget template.

Project plans should be no longer than three pages (excluding references).

Ngā kaupapa matua / Priorities

The Lottery Health Research Committee gives priority to requests that:

  • show how the research will translate into better health outcomes for New Zealand populations, including Māori and Pasifika, and other minority groups
  • show why the health issue is significant for New Zealand
  • addresses a unique gap in health research knowledge in New Zealand
  • demonstrate partnerships between researchers and community organisations who will contribute to the New Zealand health sector over time.

For those requesting grants for post-doctoral fellowships and PhD scholarships priority is given to:

  • researchers who are early in their career or entering and/or returning to the New Zealand work force
  • host organisations that how they will provide quality support, management and supervision.

For shared equipment and translational research project requests, priority is given to:

  • collaboration, particularly with significant pieces of research equipment, which should be shared between a number or research centres/institutions)
  • projects that have received support from other funders.

 What are the important dates for Lottery Health Research?

For the important funding dates for the Lottery Health Research Fund, follow the link below to the funding calendar:

Ngā kaupapa kāore e tautokona ā-pūtea / What we don't fund

In addition to what may not be funded by any Lottery Committee, Lottery Health Research does not fund:

  • individuals
  • operational costs and overheads 
  • computers or tablets
  • publication fees
  • research or equipment leading to commercial benefits 
  • unnamed research staff
  • conference attendances 
  • requests from overseas institutions or organisations, or for research to be carried out overseas
  • development of educational materials, unless they have a research component
  • routine laboratory equipment and equipment ordered before a grant request is made
  • research where the findings will not be made freely available
  • relocation expenses
  • the purchase of land or buildings
  • shared equipment service contracts.

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