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Available funding
Funding for organisations
Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS)
Te Tahua Whakatinana Papakāinga - Lottery Community Fund
Lottery Outdoor Safety Fund
Community and Volunteering Capability Fund
Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga- Lottery Environment and Heritage Fund
Te Tahua Hapori Ngā Whakaurunga – Lottery Community Facilities Fund
Oranga Marae
Safer Communities Fund
Racing Safety Development Fund
January 2023 floods and Cyclone Gabrielle Recovery Fund
Te Tahua Rangahau Hauoratanga – Lottery Health Research Fund
Disarmament Education UN Implementation Fund
Te Tahua Whakawhanake Hapori Mātāwaka - Ethnic Communities Development Fund
Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Fund
Te Tahua Mā Te Minita Anō Te Tohatoha - Lottery Minister's Discretionary Fund
Funding for individuals
Te Komiti mo ngā Tāngata Hauā – Lottery Individuals with Disabilities
Viet Nam Veterans and their Families Trust
Peace and Disarmament Education Trust
Pacific Development and Conservation Trust
Norman Kirk Memorial Trust
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
Funding for organisations and individuals
Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust
Results Reports - Otinga Kōrero
Financial statements
Important Hāpai Hapori (Community Operations) funding dates
Crown funded schemes
Te Puna Tahua, Lottery Grants Board
Te Puna Tahua, Lottery Grants Board Allocations
Evolving the lottery grants system
Hāpai Hapori privacy statement
Funds that are no longer available
For Communities
Our services for communities
How we can help and where to find us
Our approach to working with you and your community
Kaupapa Māori organisations
Our approach to community-led development
Community-led development principles
Community-led development journeys shared
Community led development tools and resources
Community project ideas
Hōtaka Whakawhanake e ārahina ana e te Hapori - Community-led Development Programme
Community-led development programme evaluations
Community-led development programme
Apply here
Kia akiaki te mana o te tangata
What grants have been made by the Lottery Health Research Committee?
The Lottery Health Research Committee has made the following grants:
2023/24 grants
2021/22 grants
2020/21 grants
2019/20 grants