What happens if we make a request for a partnership?
We will look at Expressions of Interest along with the community or hapū requesting a partnership.
To do this we will:
- visit you to learn more about your vision and goals and your journey so far
- talk with you about the five community-led development principles and how they are in action in your community or hapū.
- complete an assessment with you to reach an understanding about your communities interest in participating in this programme, and what resources and support will help you achieve your goals
- talk with members of your community or hapū and also the local council, local service providers, government agencies, businesses and local/regional funders to better understand their involvement and support for your goals
- consider whether your location, size and strengths are a good fit for the community-led development approach
- find out whether you are able to manage and support staff and manage funds, or if you have a fund-holder or supporting organisation available to help you.
Following this exploration, if a community or hapū continues to be interested in a possible partnership and the local Advisor and Manager see this as a good fit then the request to partner is referred to the Crown Panel. The Crown Panel advises the Department about which communities or hapū could be invited to join the Community-Led Development Programme.
The Crown Panel includes a community member with a community-led development focus and representatives from: Te Atamira Taiwhenua, the Department’s kaumātua advisory group, the Ministry of Pacific Peoples and the Office of Ethnic Communities.
The Crown Panel meets to consider Requests for Partnership that have been received and have been agreed to be a good fit for the programme and recommends those who will be invited to participate.