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What are the priorities for Lottery Community Facilities funding?

Ngā kaupapa matua / Priorities

Grant decisions are made by the Lottery Community Facilities Committee. Grant requests should show how your project:

  • supports the aspirations of Māori.
  • supports cultural identity and aspirations of Pacific peoples and ethnic communities.
  • is led by community, whānau, hapū or iwi.
  • provides access for rural, isolated or marginalised communities to connect and participate.
  • delivers a well-used facility that provides opportunities for social, recreational, community or cultural participation.

What are the outcomes for Lottery Community Facilities grants?

Ngā Hua / Outcomes

Organisations receiving grants are expected to show how their community facility will help the community, while also ensuring that:

  • community facilities are safe, comfortable and accessible, contributing to the well-being of communities.
  • people are engaged with the facility through activities that increasingly improve community relationships and connections.
  • investment in facilities enables community groups to achieve their goals and aspirations.