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Requests for grants need to show how:

  • planned activities will promote greater understanding of disarmament and arms control, and
  • contribute to advancing New Zealand’s disarmament interests and profile in international disarmament issues.

Ngā Hua / Outcomes

Grant decisions are based on the likelihood an organisation will deliver the outcomes described in their grant request, including how they will contribute to greater public awareness of disarmament and arms control issues through their work.

Ngā kaupapa matua / Priorities

Priority is given to education activities that:

  • have a national and/or international focus
  • support the activities highlighted in the 2002 United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education: Report of the Secretary General.

Important dates for the Disarmament Education UN Implementation Fund

 For the important funding dates for the Disarmament Education UN Implementation Fund, follow the link below to the funding calendar:

Organisations requesting grants should show:

  • they have knowledge, expertise and experience in disarmament education
  • how far their activities extend and how effective they are
  • how they can improve their outcomes through networking with similar non-government organisations and officials in New Zealand, overseas and with the United Nations
  • they are well governed and managed, and:
    • have legal entity status
    • are based in New Zealand
    • are able to achieve the activities and outcomes described in their request.

If you have received previously a grant from this fund, you are required to provide an interim or full report on how the funding was used with your application. All applicants are required to upload their most recent financial statements. Please refer to the 'Supporting Documentation' in the online system for further information.

Ngā kaupapa kāore e tautokona ā-pūtea / What we don't fund

The Disarmament Education UN Implementation Fund does not fund:

  • activities that do not support any policy of the New Zealand Government
  • individuals
  • non-government organisations that do not have a legal entity registered in New Zealand
  • requests that could personally benefit someone, if any possible conflict of interest has not been stated or dealt with properly
  • projects or activities that have already happened or started before a grant is made
  • repayment or servicing of debts
  • requests involving the purchase of land, buildings, furniture or fittings
  • projects or activities to develop commercial or religious ventures, including employment and/or business ideas
  • projects or activities intended to make a profit (although profits are allowed if the purpose is to achieve sustainability).

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