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The Trust provides funding to individuals and not-for-profit organisations. Branches of not-for-profit organisations with a national body may also apply independently.

Applicants are not required to be Chinese or descendants of early settlers. The Trustees encourage members of the Chinese poll tax descendant community and members of the wider community to seek funding from the Trust for suitable projects.

Ngā kaupapa ka tautokona ā-pūtea / What we fund

The Trust promotes, but does not limit itself to, funding:

  • learning and use of the Cantonese language
  • awareness and understanding of the history of Chinese communities in New Zealand
  • the recording and preserving of Chinese New Zealand history
  • greater public understanding of ethnic diversity with particular emphasis on the contributions of Chinese New Zealanders
  • Chinese arts and culture (including Chinese New Zealand creative and cultural expression).

Requests for funding must have:

  • a budget outlining the costs of the project
  • goals and deliverables that are clearly linked to the aims of the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust
  • endorsement from a reputable organisation within the Chinese poll tax descendant community
  • evidence that proposal and the organisation you belong to is not-for-profit
  • a letter of support from a referee who can verify the community benefits of your project
  • a declaration of any other funding that has been provided for your project

If funding of more than $5,000 is sought, applications will need to show:

  • evidence of the financial and technical viability of the proposal
  • that funding sought is not the responsibility of central or local government
  • that the proposal does not seek funding for things already funded by central or local government through other channels
  • evidence of other fundraising activities - larger projects need to show support from other sources.

If seeking more than $50,000 a copy of a feasibility study or a business or strategic plan must be provided.

Ngā kaupapa kāore e tautokona ā-pūtea / What we don't fund

The Trust does not fund requests that are:

  • to repay debt or loans
  • made retrospectively for projects or part of projects that have been completed
  • seeking to promote commercial, political or religious objectives.

Important dates for the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust

The Chinese Heritage Poll Tax Trust has two funding rounds each year.  The important dates for the next funding round are linked below:

How to say thanks for our support

We love hearing about the outcomes achieved with the help of our grants.

People want to know where the Trust’s funding goes and who benefits from it, so it's important for us that we have a presence in the community.

If you would like to acknowledge the Trust’s help, display the Trust’s logo on your website and other publicity material.

Display the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust logo

The Trust’s logo is available to all grant recipients.

When you use the logo on uniforms, booklets, posters, signage, websites, and other publicity material you can read the Department of Internal Affairs’ brand guidelines and download the high-resolution logo at the link below:

DIA Logos (external link)

The Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust logo is the absolute property of the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust and is only to be used by grant recipients wishing to acknowledge the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust support.

Share your stories, photos, and videos

Follow the Trust on Facebook and message them share your stories. We appreciate seeing photos and videos of the events, initiatives, and projects the Trust has funded.

Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust Facebook page


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