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In 2002, the New Zealand government formally apologised to the early settler Chinese community for the actions of previous governments that imposed a poll tax on Chinese persons entering New Zealand and other discriminatory statutes.

紐西蘭政府在 2002 年向華人早期移民正式道歉,因為前政府向移民紐西蘭的華人課徵人頭稅,並頒佈過其他歧視性法令。

The New Zealand government established the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust in 2004 with $5 million as a gesture of reconciliation in support of the formal apology. The Trust is a gesture of goodwill to the poll tax payers, their descendants and future generations in recognition of the hardship caused by the poll tax and other discriminatory legislation.


The Trust aims to strengthen the unique identity of Chinese New Zealanders and their communities in New Zealand in recognition of the poll tax payers by:

  • promoting the preservation of Chinese New Zealand history and awareness of the contributions of early Chinese settlers
  • providing tangible support for Chinese New Zealand history, language and culture, particularly that of the early settler Chinese community


  • 提倡保存紐西蘭華人的歷史,並宣傳早期華人移民的貢獻
  • 對紐西蘭華人歷史、語言和文化提供具體支持,尤其是早期華人移民社群

Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trustees

The eight trustees are all descendants of the original poll tax payers:

  • Rodney Wong 黃华鈴 (Chairperson)
  • Hector Wong 黃鐵克
  • Denise Ng 伍玉萍
  • David Wong 黄家興
  • Eileen Ng 謝靄燕
  • Deborah Sew Hoy 徐玉蓮
  • Jennifer Too 朱余敬貞
  • Lois Yee 余笑儀

The Trust promotes, but does not limit itself to, funding:

  • learning and use of the Cantonese language
  • awareness and understanding of the history of Chinese communities in New Zealand
  • the recording and preserving of Chinese New Zealand history
  • greater public understanding of ethnic diversity with particular emphasis on the contributions of Chinese New Zealanders
  • Chinese arts and culture (including Chinese New Zealand creative and cultural expression).


Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust logo

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