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Budgets (Ngā mahere pūtea)

About budgets

All requests for funding must include a budget. The type of budget you need to provide depends on what your request is for.

Operational costs are all the ongoing costs of running an organisation. Examples of these could include:

  • salaries
  • administration
  • rent
  • regular programme delivery
  • hosting regular events
  • repairs and maintenance.

Project costs are costs related to a specific, one-off project which has a clear start and end date. Examples could include:

  • a pilot programme
  • a new initiative
  • redeveloping a facility
  • building a new facility.

Project costs do not include business-as-usual activities.

We recommend you consider the on-going increase in building costs as part of your budget.

You can submit your budget using a format of your choice, as long as it meets the requirements below.

Alternatively, use one of the templates provided:

 I am requesting funding for:

 I am applying for a: 

 Budget requirements

operational costs 

single year grant

Provide your organisation’s operating budget. This must be for a 12 month period (your financial year). Include the start and end date for your budget.

Your budget must show all the confirmed and unconfirmed income (including your grant request) that your organisation expects to receive during your financial year (12 month period).

Your budget must also show the items that your organisation expects to spend money on (expenses) during your financial year.

multi-year grant

Provide your organisation’s operating budget. This must be for the first 12 month period (your financial year).

Your budget must show all the confirmed and unconfirmed income (including your grant request) that your organisation expects to receive during your first financial year (12 month period).

Your budget must also show the items that your organisation expects to spend money on (expenses) during your first financial year.

If your request is successful, you will be asked to provide an operating budget each year before receiving the next grant payment.

project costs

project grant

Provide a project budget showing all the confirmed and unconfirmed income for the project (including your grant request). 

Your budget must also show the project costs over the length of the project.

If your request is for a project over multiple years you will need to provide a project budget showing all confirmed and unconfirmed income and all of the costs of the project for the length of the project. If your request is successful, you will be asked to provide an updated budget for the year ahead before receiving the next grant payment.

operational and project costs

single or multi-year grant

Your budget must show all the confirmed and unconfirmed operating income (including your grant request) that your organisation expects to receive during your financial year (12 month period). The operational part of your budget must also show what your organisation expects to spend money on (expenses) during your financial year.

Your budget must also show all the confirmed and unconfirmed income (including your grant request) for the project as well as the project costs over the length of the project.


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