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2024 Marlborough COGS record of grants

Name Amount
Age Concern Marlborough Incorporated $5,000.00
Allergy New Zealand Incorporated $450.00
Blenheim Community Patrol Charitable Trust $3,000.00
Bone Marrow Cancer Trust $3,000.00
Bread of Life Trust $5,000.00
Cancer Society of New Zealand Marlborough Centre Incorporated $5,000.00
Carers New Zealand $3,575.00
Coastguard Kaikoura Incorporated $2,000.00
Community Capacity Accounting $2,000.00
Crossroads (Marlborough) Charitable Trust $15,000.00**
Empowerment Trust $3,000.00
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand Incorporated $500.00
Fare-well Trust $5,000.00
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust New Zealand $2,000.00
Havelock Vision 2020 Charitable Trust $5,000.00
InsideOUT $1,000.00
Marlborough Group NZ Riding for the Disabled Association Incorp $5,000.00
Marlborough Multicultural Centre $30,000.00**
Marlborough Multiple Sclerosis Society Incorporated $3,000.00
Maternal Mental Wellbeing (Marlborough) $9,000.00**
Melanoma New Zealand $1,000.00
Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson s Canterbury Charitable Trust $1,000.00
New Zealand Spinal Trust $1,250.00
Pelorus Area Health Trust $3,500.00
Riversdale Promotions Incorporated $5,000.00
Rural Youth and Adult Literacy Trust $713.00
Safeguarding Children Initiative $2,000.00
School Start First Impressions Marlborough $4,000.00
Student Volunteer Army Foundation $1,500.00.**
Te Ataarangi ki te Tauihu o te Waka a Maui $5,000.00
Te Atiawa Manawhenua Ki Te Tau Ihu Trust $10,500.00**
Te Hā o Mātauranga $5,000.00
Te Korowai O Te Tai O Marokura, Kaikoura Coastal Marine Guardians $2,500.00
The Nest Collective NZ Charitable Trust $1,000.00
The Omaka Observatory Charity Trust $6,000.00**
Youthline Central South Island $2,500.00

** 3 year multi-year grant